Sunday, November 05, 2006

Peace Corps Inspector General and work for the week.

I have 3 major assignments this week. 1. I will be giving a presentation on Leadership and Group Dynamics to my fellow Peace Corps this Friday and I will also be giving a presentation as a workshop in Soufrie for a training session they are putting on. I have a proposal for world cup cricket that I will be working on for the Canaries Community Club. Lastly I also have a meeting with the Inspector Generals office from the Washington Peace Corps office. They will be here conducting interview with volunteers. Here is some info on it it below.

"Assistant Inspector General for Evaluations and Inspections, and blank Evaluator, of the Peace Corps Office of Inspector General (OIG) will visit Peace Corps/Eastern Caribbean to conduct a program evaluation beginning on or about November 6, 2006. The OIG is an independent office within the Peace Corps, reporting to the Director of the Peace Corps and to Congress.

The purpose of our visit is to conduct a comprehensive program evaluation that every Peace Corps post undergoes periodically and to make recommendations for corrective actions. To that end, we will interview a representative sample of Volunteers and their counterparts by group, project assignment, site location, and background. The information we receive from our interviews is the primary source on which we will base our conclusions.

Our interviews will allow for in-depth discussions about your project, training, living conditions, health care, safety, staff support, and transportation. The interviews will provide you with an opportunity to raise issues and share your experiences as Volunteers. We plan to spend approximately a half day with you and your counterpart and will work with you to minimize disruptions to your schedule.

In addition to conducting interviews, we would appreciate the opportunity to actually see your work “in action.” We will ask the Volunteers we interview to provide us with an informal demonstration of their typical work activities at their work sites (i.e., if you teach a health class, we would like to observe a class session).

The evaluation team is looking forward to meeting you. Thank you for your help."

They will be meeting with me and my community partner, I must confess I will be unhooking my AC for their visit, I have to be honest I would be a littl embarrasseded thinking of some of the other volunteers they have seen in Africa who are happy to have clean water and something besides goat head for dinner and here I am with AC for crying out loud. Yes, yes I do have a sense of modesty!!!

Take care everyone!

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