Sebastian showing us his prize rabbit breed that is extremely large, has a lovely dusky color and very soft fur.
One of his breeding females.
A few more rabbits:
He lets the rabbits out to get exercise.
The other Peace Corps volunteers and a visiting student at the rabbit farm:
Sebastian has an amazing farm by the Canaries river, him and his brothers grow everything from sweet potatoes and lettuce to sorrel the Christmas time drink for Saint Lucia. The land is lush and covered with avocados and mango trees.
Justin selecting his breeding pair or rabbits from Sebastian. I would like to point out Sebastian's amazing giving spirit, each rabbit is worth at least $50EC=$18.66 US.
Sebastian explaining the best river grass to give the rabbits:
Saint Lucia River Plant that is very good for rabbits:
Sebastian's brother explaining organic fertilizer he uses.
Some awesome Rasta art on the side of their home that the brother "cool out" in when they want to leave the village.
Did you know cats eat coconut jellies?
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