Sunday, March 09, 2008

Taking Time off from my Peace Corps Projects to hang out with my Aunty

My Auntie Tina is down again for another round of vacation as she rests from the off season of landscaping. I am taking some time off my projects to spend time with my Aunt to explore beautiful Saint Lucia. If you would like to read about my work you can scroll through the blog or search using a keyword, it also has a chronological history on the side.

Last year she came down with my Aunty Cass and they lived in Soufriere for about 3 months with friends and family coming to visit. This time Tina braved the wilds of St. Lucia and came down by herself with friends and family coming in for visits for 1-2 weeks at a time.

Once again we are out exploring Saint Lucia from a perspective of someone with in a VEHICLE mainly! Peace Corps policy forbids the driving of boats, cars, basically anything with a combustion engine. Why? They say liability issues, personally I think it keeps us in our villages so we actually do our work, otherwise we would likely be making party trips to Castries every weekend.

So its time to post some videos and pics of the good times were having.

video of Zi playing on the beach.

Frostbite Cure

Pic at the Piton Heritage Site

Carol and Tina at Ladera for a gorgeous sunset and cocktails!

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